The French Chapter of the International Society of Nature & Forest Medicine

The French Chapter of the International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (INFOM) is an interdisciplinary organization of researchers and practitioners striving to advance the use of nature as a holistic healthcare treatment. A primary purpose of INFOM is to encourage rigorous scientific research on the health benefits of spending time in nature so that healthcare providers can confidently make treatment recommendations that include natural settings.

INFOM was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 2004 to study the affect of forest bathing trips in local forests. The initial meeting of the French chapter of INFOM was held in conjunction with the conference of the 3rd INFOM International Seminar & Workshop 2023 in Japan. Significant interest was expressed in INFOM during the presentation of the state of forest therapy in France. Just before this presentation, Qing Li, MD, Ph.D, Associate Professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, Japan (Forest Medicine/Shinrin yoku researcher and vice president of INFOM) had presented information about the history and purpose of the organization.
Ahead of this meeting, the first contact with INFOM was in 2019, during researches for the writing of a book in French (Chinese version available) on the importance of reconnecting with nature to better manage the stress of daily life.

M. Alain Lancelot is a stress management coach and sophrologist, speaker and autor. After a career as a television presenter/journalist, he writes and publishes books in stress management and the way to find a balance in life with the help of the benefits of nature, and articles for the media.
As a speaker, he gives conferences for general public trade fairs as well as for companies or hospitals on the real benefits of trees on our health.
Living between France and China, Alain Lancelot promotes internationally studies on the health benefits of trees in collaboration with hospitals and universities.

The French Chapter of INFOM is now organizing. INFOM is an interdisciplinary organization and welcomes participation from individuals in fields related to nature and health.INFOM membership dues are $60 annually and are payable online at If you are interested in becoming involved in the leadership of INFOM we would like to utilize your talents.

Learn more about INFOM at or To obtain additional information and learn how to become involved in INFOM email alain Lancelot at: Site:



Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.

Completion Report Walking Forest Therapy Roads® with a Doctor in 2016 operation year.