3rd Symposium Organized by the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine

The mechanism of the effect of forest environments
on human health

DateMarch 30, 2009
Place Tokyo, Japan
Chairpersons Qing Li, MD, PhD (Nippon Medical School)
Osamu Mohara, MD (The President of The Wakayama Wellness Foundation)
  1. Five senses and relaxation
    Yoshifumi Miyazaki, Prof, PhD (Chiba University, Chiba, Japan)
  2. Individual Differences in Physiological Effects of “Shinrin-yoku”
    Yuko Tsunetsugu, PhD (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan)
    Bum-Jin Park, PhD and Yoshifumi Miyazaki, Prof, PhD (Chiba University, Chiba, Japan)
  3. Effect of Negatively-Charged Air Environments on Human Health.
    Takemi Otsuki, Prof, MD, PhD (Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan)
  4. Concentration of Phytoncides in Forest air
    Tatsuro Ohira, PhD (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan)
  5. Effect of Forest Environmental Factors, Phytoncydes on Human Immune Function
    Qing Li, MD, PhD (Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan)
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